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Inviato il: Mercoledì, 19-Set-2007, 21:13
Moderatore Globale Gruppo: Top Moderators Messaggi: 453 Utente Nr.: 44 Iscritto il: 02-Feb-2007 |
Friday, September 21, 2007
Energy: environment & health. The burning of fossil fuels really got underway with the industrial revolution, and has continued at an increasing pace to the present day. Carbon dioxide, released into the atmosphere by burning, is a major greenhouse gas, and according to some studies, appears to be provoking climate change on a massive scale. There will be changes in the atmosphere, the oceans and terrestrial ecosystems that will profoundly affect the lives and health of ordinary people, the world economy, and the well-being of the planet. These far-reaching effects of past and future energy use will be discussed: the projected climate changes and their consequences will be examined, including their effects on biodiversity, individuals and humanity as a whole. h. 9.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. Chairs: Olivier Barbaroux and Chicco Testa Richard Lindzen Global warming: testing versus promoting Ahmed Ghoniem Energy resources and technologies; and approaches for low-impact utilization Victor Smetacek The health of planet ocean in the Anthropocene Dianna Bowles Working with plants to build a sustainable future Panel discussion h. 2.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. Chairs: Chris Bowler and Nicolò Dubini James Lovelock Sustainable retreat Gennaro De Michele From steam generator to smart grid. Vision and frontiers of electricity generation Richard Klausner Cimate change and health - projecting and dealing with a threat already here Panel discussion h. 5.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. AIRC Conversation: Richard Klausner and Pier Giuseppe Pelicci Introduced by Umberto Veronesi Energy sources and cancer Friday, September 21, 2007 F O N D A Z I O N E G I O R G I O C I N I , I S L A N D O F S A N G I O R G I O M A G G I O R E , V E N I C E |
Inviato il: Mercoledì, 19-Set-2007, 21:27
Moderatore Globale Gruppo: Top Moderators Messaggi: 453 Utente Nr.: 44 Iscritto il: 02-Feb-2007 |
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Energy: ethics, politics and economics. The energy challenge is now known to be related in a fundamental way the global environmental challenge. Both have major ethical, political and economic implications. For both, a key concept is sustainability, whose ramifications and implications are emerging from research involving the physical and natural scientists on one hand and the social scientists on the other. The sustainability of development is being put under serious pressure by the burgeoning economic growth of the Asian economies and their billions of citizens. Strategies to address energy needs and environmental problems must be practical enough to form a basis for stable international agreements but cannot afford to neglect the ethical dimension, since decisions are being taken that will have major impacts on future generations. h. 9.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. Chairs: Ignazio Musu and Philip Pettit Joachim Schellnhuber Climate change: a grand challenge for sustainability science Vaclav Smil Energy transitions: expectations and realities Carlo Carraro Climate policy in the post-Kyoto world. Incentives, institutions and equity Partha Dasgupta Globalization and the natural environment David Blackbourn The culture and politics of energy in Germany: an historical perspective Panel discussion h. 2.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m. Chairs: Kathleen Kennedy Townsend and MarceloSanchez Sorondo Jean Jacquinot The case for a world collaboration on fusion and ITER Fulvio Conti Energy supply equation Giuliano Amato Closing Lecture Final Remarks Giovanni Bazoli, Chiara Tonelli, Marco Tronchetti Provera, Umberto Veronesi Saturday, September 22, 2007 F O N D A Z I O N E G I O R G I O C I N I , I S L A N D O F S A N G I O R G I O M A G G I O R E , V E N I C E PER LA LOCANDINA DELL'EVENTO CON IL PROGRAMMA, 7 PAGINE IN PDF:
Sostieni questa voce ogni piccolo gesto di solidarietà rallegra il cuore |
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